
vrgameroomnearme| The volume and price of materials have increased, and the lithium battery industry chain is worth looking forward to in the near future!

editor editor 发表于2024-04-16 20:03:18 浏览30 评论0


According to the news flash from the senior researcher of Shi ShiVrgameroomnearmeCai Songsong, a fund manager, was sentenced for accepting and paying bribes. Cai Songsong once became a star fund manager because of Soha Semiconductor, but after the size of his fund became larger, coupled with the adjustment of semiconductors, most of the people lost money.

In addition, there are rumors that a medical female star fund manager bought villas and other luxury goods. Star fund managers make a lot of money, but Jimin loses money, involving listed companies, underwriters, auditors and other large profit chains. The new regulatory mechanism is already investigating these situations, hoping to clean up the market ecological environment.

The market is fragmented today, with more than 4000 falling companies, but the index rose across the board, related to the "Guo nine". Investors are advised to stay away from junk companies and pay attention to industry leaders. The first quarterly report of Ningde is released, and the operating income is 797.Vrgameroomnearme70 million yuan, net profit 10.5 billion yuan, deducting non-net profit 92.VrgameroomnearmeThe gross profit margin increased by 5.1% over the same period last year.

Ningde, as the global power battery leader, is worth holding, and the goal is to have a market capitalization of trillion yuan. The lithium industry chain is worthy of attention in the near future, the volume and price of the material link is rising, which is suitable for short-term / band operation, focusing on electrolytes and negative electrodes.

vrgameroomnearme| The volume and price of materials have increased, and the lithium battery industry chain is worth looking forward to in the near future!

Key words star fund manager, Jimin, profit chain is bright and blind! Eat a startling melon ~ Hexun self-selected stock writer risk tipsVrgameroomnearmeThe above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment suggestions related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.