
casinogamesthatpayrealmoneywithnodeposit| Zhongguancun Technology Leasing and Fengyi Technology signed a 6.5 million yuan unmanned smart container purchase and leasing agreement

editor editor 发表于2024-04-18 12:03:59 浏览15 评论0


Newsletter summary

Zhongguancun Science and Technology Leasing and Fengyi Technology signingCasinogamesthatpayrealmoneywithnodepositProcurement and financial lease agreementsCasinogamesthatpayrealmoneywithnodepositInvolving an amount of 6.5 million yuan for the purchase of unmanned smart containers The lease term is 36 months, with a total lease amount of about 564Casinogamesthatpayrealmoneywithnodeposit.77 million yuan, including the principal of the financial lease of 5.2 million yuan and interest income 44.Casinogamesthatpayrealmoneywithnodeposit.770,000 yuan. The agreement will be implemented on April 17, 2024. Fengyi Technology, as the lessee, mainly operates unmanned retail services, and the ultimate beneficial owner is Dannin. The move is expected to boost the development of the unmanned retail service industry.

Text of news flash

[Zhongguancun Technology Leasing and Fengyi Technology signed purchase and Financial Leasing Agreement]

casinogamesthatpayrealmoneywithnodeposit| Zhongguancun Technology Leasing and Fengyi Technology signed a 6.5 million yuan unmanned smart container purchase and leasing agreement

Zhongguancun Technology Leasing recently announced the signing of procurement and financial leasing agreements with suppliers and lessees Shenzhen Fengyi Technology Co., Ltd. for unmanned smart containers. According to the agreement, Zhongguancun Technology Leasing will purchase leased assets from suppliers at a purchase price of 6.5 million yuan. At the same time, the company, as the lessor, will lease the leased assets to the lessee for a term of 36 months, with a total lease amount of about 5.6477 million yuan, including the principal of the financial lease of 5.2 million yuan and the interest income of the financial lease of 447700 yuan.

The leased assets are unmanned intelligent containers produced by Fengyi Technology with a fair value of about 6.5 million yuan. The lease agreement will be implemented on April 17, 2024. As a lessee, Fengyi Technology is mainly engaged in the operation of unmanned retail services, and its ultimate beneficial owner is Dannin.

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